Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Off to Korea!!

I am about to head to the airport!! I didn't really get much sleep last night because I am so excited about my trip, but I hope to get some good rest on the plane. Last night was a rather rough night... I had pre-packed many zone-friendly snacks and meals for the long (approx. 15 hour) flight. Well my parents felt that I was taking too much food and said some things that really hurt and upset me... I am just trying to eat as healthy as I can while on the plane and in the airports...what is so wrong with that?! oh well... today is a new day and it's the beginning of my fabulous vacation!! I can't wait to see Andrea and Alex!! Prepare yourself for amazing stories when I return!!! Adios... or rather.. "Han Yong" (Goodbye in Korean)!!!!

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