Friday, August 14, 2009

ANDREA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Halfie Buddy/BFF/Love of my life/My everything, Andrea is back in Texas from Korea!!!!!! She is in Houston right now and will be coming to Austin this weekend and staying with me for a bit!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!! I am PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is goin goooood!!! Had body comp on Thursday morning. Was almost identical to my body comp in April. Which means I gained but then lost. I know I gained from my vacation, but no regrets!!!!! Every bite of Roti-Bun, Pat-bing-soo, street car food, Paris Baguette was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I am just happy now that I have gotten rid of my painful bloating!! Paleo has saved my life!! I feel stronger and happier. I am also finally on a routine for my WODs.

M-6:30am CF Boot Camp
T-5:45am CF Indoors
Th-5:45am CF Indoors
F-6:30am CF Boot Camp
Sat-Workout with my weekend CF "Tribe"

I am seeing great results!! Not only physically, but mentally as well!!!

Another weekend full of craziness. Hopefully doesn't go by too quickly. I'd love some down time. It has been a super crazy busy work week and this morning I had car trouble and had to replace my battery. The office is freeeeezing today and for once, I am dying to get out into the Texas heat!!! LOL

I feel very blessed and very fortunate.

Gonna get ready to head out to start my weekend!! woo hooo!!!


Tired...been a looong week. bla

gona be a crazy weekend. I just want one day full of NOTHING.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I love deadlifts!! Today we continued Totals. On Tuesday we did back squats and shoulder presses, today we did deadlifts!! I set a new PR!! I deadlifted 145lbs!!!!!!! I was in SHOCK!! That's more than I weigh!!! In May my deadlift max was 115lbs. (weaksauce!!) I don't think I tried as hard in May as I did today, or maybe I got significantly stronger? Who knows. All I know is that I am super pumped and surprised!!! =)

Maggie is comin back today!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!! I am sooo excited to see her tomorrow morning at CF boot camp!!!!

I really need to be a better blogger. Work has been keeping me rather busy, but I'll blog as often as I can!!!

Back to work for now. Lata!!!